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How to join the event (Android)

Learn more about joining your event through Eventee Android app.

If you know the name of your event, or have a QR code, you can go ahead and open Eventee Android app to look for your event. If you don't have this information, please continue here.

If you'd like to join the event through your browser, please continue here.

Access your event through Android app

  1. Download the Eventee Android app, you can see how it's done here.

  2. If your app is all downloaded, please go ahead and open it.

  3. Did the app automatically open your event? Then you are all done. (This happens when using the email invitation)

  4. If it didn't open your event, please use search bar or QR code scanner to find your event.

Cannot get into the event? You might be joining a private event.

warning icon
Please note, is a site strictly for the event organizers. You cannot access your event through this site and don’t need to sign up there.
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