First of all, make sure that you have virtual event features turned on. Check it in Settings → Features → Event type. To enable the virtual event features, you need to choose either the virtual or hybrid event type.
Now you can add your streams and videos to the sessions in your event agenda. There are two options.
Add links to stages: Open your event schedule (Content → Schedule) and click on the pencil icon right next to your stage name. This will open a window with your stage information. Here you can directly insert the link that is common for all sessions in one specific stage.
Add links to individual sessions: If you have different streams or videos for each of your sessions, you can insert them individually. In the detail of each session, there is the section Virtual event. Here you will find the fields where you can simply copy and paste your links. You can also schedule the video access to restrict peeking at it before the session starts.
Eventee supports a whole range of streaming, video hosting, and online meeting tools. Here is the complete list of currently supported tools.
Attendees can watch the streams right inside the mobile and web app and engage at the same time. They can browse the app without interruption, as they can still watch the streams in a pinned window in the bottom left corner, which will automatically appear whenever they leave the session to e.g. take a peek at the agenda or read about the speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors.
Note: If you use YouTube to stream your sessions, the streams will play automatically right after your attendees enter the session. This can not be changed. If you don't want your streams to autoplay, consider using other video sharing services (e.g. Vimeo).
You can also insert a link to any meeting tool (Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Skype, etc.) into the detail of the session, so your attendees can join your meeting room with one single click.
If you are interested in reading more about virtual events with Eventee, don't hesitate to check our blog article here.